Review of my show!

A lovely review on my show from last night, is found on Eddee Daniel's blog, Arts Without Borders. I was lucky to get introduced to him last night!

You can see the post on my show directly here!

As for my thoughts on the show and it's turn was pretty good! I got to meet some new people and share my work! And of course had some wine, so all around a great turn out for me on my first "solo" show! I do wish the weather would've been better for more people to come out, but it was great seeing all who did make it!

The show is up until the 24th so if you weren't able to make it and still want to see the work, you just have to make an appointment with John Korom, as the hours are by appointment only for the rest of the month. He can be reached at 414-257-2622 or let me know and I can get the appointment set up if you would like for me to be there too.

My show is at Gallery 2622 in Wauwatosa owned by John Korom. The space is lovely and John has given me a great opportunity for having me show there! His info can be found on his site as well.

Please check it out: